Perils of fulltime RVing

We expected glitches, repairs, even cabin fever-induced spats.  But the peril of RV living we didn’t expect? Head injuries.
Yep, we’ve both smacked our heads into kitchen cupboards, the above-cab bed, and the truck overhang. I’ve done it so frequently that Mark says, “I’m getting you a helmet.”
Here, a bag of frozen spinach soothes my latest bump.

One thought on “Perils of fulltime RVing

  1. Here is an Idea that will soften the blow between a head and a hard place.
    Buy water supply pipe insulation. It is located in the plumbing department and resembles foam pool noodles.
    They are split down the middle for easy application to pipes so I found them to be easy to use as a protective bumper around the edge of a table in my A/V production truck. They can be covered with fabric / felt / gaffers tape etc for a nicer look.
    I have with fairly good success used Pro Gaff gaffers tape to hold things like this in place.
    Pro Gaff gaffers tape is much better than duct tape, has a nice fabric look, a strong stick, and is available in many colors from most video production supply stores. Keep in mind gaffers tape is supposed to be removable so some versions will not work too good for more permanent applications.

    I came upon your website while searching for Oval Office pictures for a comedy video project I’m putting together for myself. Do you by any chance have additional pictures?

    I also have a class A RV and hope one day to go full time RVing.
    For now though I’m going to use it for my video production projects.


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